
Rakuten Ready Launches ARRIVE Mobile App

Rakuten Ready, the leader in predictive arrival technology, has launched the ARRIVE Mobile App. The new addition to Rakuten Ready’s ARRIVE platform empowers merchants that don’t have their own mobile app to deliver superior Order for Pickup experiences by increasing order efficiency and improving the management of the order for pickup process.

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Merchants of all sizes can use the ARRIVE Mobile App to get access to all of the same benefits delivered by Rakuten Ready’s ARRIVE predictive arrival platform, including greater visibility over customers in transit and notifications when they arrive. Employees can use this information to organize orders by projected customer arrival time, creating a seamless order process for merchants and consumers. The ARRIVE Mobile App can also facilitate contactless pickups that help employees and customers feel safer in light of COVID-19.

“This pandemic has forced businesses to refine their pickup experiences to make it seamless and safer for both customers and employees,” said Jaron Waldman, CEO, and co-founder of Rakuten Ready. “The new ARRIVE Mobile App gives businesses without an app of their own ability to better choreograph orders to provide a faster, more enjoyable pickup experience for their customers.”

ARRIVE powers a superior order for pickup experience that reduces customer wait times and improves order queue efficiency. In addition to accurate predictions of pickup arrival times, merchants can use real-time analytics on dwell and wait times to ensure orders are handed off in a timely fashion. Restaurants can use predictions from ARRIVE to reorganize order queues and determine the optimal time to start cooking a takeout order.

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Merchants can provide customers a download link in their order confirmation to see order information in the ARRIVE Mobile App like their order number and pickup time. Employee notifications are automatically triggered upon customer arrival, ending the need to call the merchant or to wait outside.

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