
Gluware Offers Free Pilot-To-Production Trial of its Network Automation Solution to Help Customers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Gluware, Inc. announced that it is offering a 30-day pilot-to-production project free trial, waiving its network automation software, services, and support fees for qualified customers for 30 days. This offer reflects the company’s strong commitment to helping enterprise organizations kickstart their network automation efforts during this challenging time to prevent any adverse impact on their mission-critical network operations.

Automation and Campaign Management Tools – Priorities for MarTech Teams

Gluware® Intelligent Network Automation software allows organizations to automate networks at scale across their ecosystem of vendors, technologies, infrastructure, and standards—code-free and error-free. Large global enterprise teams trust Gluware’s proven Intent-Based Networking platform to safeguard mission-critical networks, preventing outages, enhancing security, and ensuring business continuity. Gluware gets teams out of reactive mode so they can spend more time responding to new business requirements and less time on low-value, repetitive tasks. Gluware is deployed enterprise-wide in multiple global Fortune 100 companies across the finance, pharma, tax & audit, and engineering sectors.

Gluware empowers organizations to:

  • Accelerate time-to-value
  • Automate rollouts
  • Eliminate manual errors
  • Implement and enforce policy standards
  • Centrally manage multi-vendor devices
  • Identify network changes and accelerate audits
  • Patch multi-vendor devices at scale
  • Constant high-resolution error checking and auto-remediation
  • Minimize downtime
  • Eliminate legacy network configuration and change management (NCCM) costs

The Gluware Software Suite features:

  • Device Manager – 3D Discovery to quickly discover and inventory your entire network
  • OS Manager – Keeps networks up to date with code-free accuracy
  • Config Drift & Audit – Detects network changes with hi-res snapshots; audits on-demand or on-schedule
  • Config Modeling – Turn running configurations into automated policy at scale
  • GluAPI – Seamlessly integrate Gluware into your own platform

Customer Experience – 74% of Consumers Likely to Buy Based on their CX

Large worldwide installations have shown the following results:

  • Full global network rollout in under 6 months
  • 98% time reduction for global configuration changes, with a 99.9% reduction in configuration drift
  • 99% of global changes implemented in 24 hours with 0% defect rate
  • Up to $16M net present value (NPV) over 5 years; ROI after just four months of deployment and 418% internal rate of return (IRR)
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