
Madrivo Launches Adforia, an Internal Social Media Acquisition Channel

Las Vegas-based performance marketing agency Madrivo Media LLC has earned national recognition for its marketing solutions and has connected millions of customers with companies around the world.

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Madrivo is committed to providing its clients with those marketing channels and tools which allow them to find new customers in the most thoughtful and cost-effective way possible.

As part of that commitment, Madrivo is proud to announce it has partnered with Michael Walker, to lead its internal social media advertising program through Adforia LLC. Michael has a long and successful track record of optimizing social media advertising for brands’ customer acquisition strategies. Specifically, in 2019 Michael was able to provide over 382,000 interested and high converting potential customers to his clients by effectively buying quality media on various social platforms. Together, Madrivo and Michael have created Adforia to focus on social media advertising and will specifically focus on customer acquisition strategies, supporting Madrivo’s focus on finding the best customers for its clients in the most cost-effective way.

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“We’re very excited to expand our suite of offerings to our clients through the partnership with Michael and our creation of Adforia,” said Ronen Hamatian, CEO of Madrivo. “Madrivo’s goal is to help our clients find newly engaged customers with high lifetime value, via the most effective channels online.”

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